• Sales Associate Pre-License Package 3- "Unlimited Package To Passing"- 12 month enrollment_v40
  • Sales Associate Pre-License Package 3- "Unlimited Package To Passing"- 12 month enrollment_v40



    • 63 hour Sales Associate Pre-licensing Online Course
      • Fully Narrated Online Course
      • Cram Exam Prep Course- to prepare for the Florida state exam
      • Math Made Simple e-Book
      • Digital Flashcards
      • 1 year enrollment
      • UNLIMITED attempts to take final exam
      • LIVE dedicated Instructor Support by Phone and Email 24/7!
    63 HR
    Fully Narrated Interactive Online Course
    LIVE Dedicated Instructor Support 24x7!
    2 attempts to pass end of course exam
    6 month enrollment
    Additional 6 month enrollment (12 months total)
    State Cram Exam Prep Course
    Math Made Simple eBook
    Digital Flashcards
    UNLIMITED end of course exam attempts *
    63 hr Package Essentials
    State licensing process guidance
    Progress quiz after each chapter
    End of course practice exam
    FREC accredited completion certificate

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